Lufthansa Systems
Lufthansa Systems
Lufthansa Systems Blog

Passenger Connection Management in scheduling – why Origin and Destination (OnD) matters (1/2)


22. Mai 2019

The ability of offering passenger connections is one of the unique selling propositions of any network carrier. Enabling this USP requires a smart scheduling approach, in which the network goes through constant optimization and in which the individual itineraries (offered for purchase and booked already) are protected as good as possible. This blog post discusses reasons why minding passenger connections is so crucial, why modern scheduling systems often lack Origin and Destination (OnD) decision support and how smart system design can bridge this gap.
Tags: FlightSchedulingScheduleManagementPassengerConnectionManagementOnDbasedSchedulingOnDSchedulingO&DSchedulingO&DbasedSchedulingNetLine/SchedNetLine/PlanOriginandDestinationSchedulingOriginandDestinationbasedSchedulingLufthansa Systems Blog
Felix Windisch
Product Delivery Manager NetLine/Sched
Author-page, 2 posts